Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Clorox Bleach Tablets For Toilet Tanks


Sweet and crazy.

ROBIN: All other fall in love, act stupid, be stupid, sweet and crazy. But not me.
Why I do not want that "something more"? I want it. I'm hurt, by any chance?
[...] What if ... a cool person? Tonight Mike wanted me to behave like an idiot, but I have not been able to do Gretel (Mike, for Halloween, was dressed as Hansel. NDM) . Why can not I be Gretel?

TED: Why do you still have not met the right Hansel. One day he meets a boy that will make me want to act like an idiot.

"How I Met Your Mother"
Season 1 Episode 6: Slutty Pumpkin

Guys, a serious relationship is the new frontier of social relationship. As you know, I do not get along very well with me socializing! Mostly because it is made largely of hypocrisy and falsehood, things that I am not prepared to accept and with which I categorically refuse to compromise. My refusal to pretend to be interested in things that interest me and have a conversation with someone that I find intellectually stimulating severely limits my entire social system. :-P
Paradoxically, I always felt good to support a relationship, because it is essentially the only social relationship that I find stimulating and enjoyable. My modus operandi in this area has not changed much, and apparently continues to function well. As I said long ago, I'm not good at being single. There are no doors! They are made for married life and are completely biased towards the kind of social relationship, so that is the only one that does not cost me any strength to continue. pretend I do not have anything, because the other person I really, really care to know how was your day, I care help, talk and listen! It 's a huge difference.

Despite this, within a relationship so complex there is always plenty to learn.
Some time ago, in fact, I found myself thinking on a particular detail of the report: 's expression of feelings.
Apparently it's important to convey what it feels like. While, of my own, I tend to work as a unique and isolated, in a report I can (1) to share my feedback of the limbic system with the other person. Indeed, this is even required. After a couple of days of conditioning, I found it very interesting and I really enjoyed sharing!
Beyond this, however, the expression of feelings found a little "gray area" in the practical part of the communication of those emotional type. One day, in fact, save characters in a text message I found myself having to shorten with three-letter one of the classic expressions of affection. This has led to a doubt we are too old to abbreviate these expressions? In what ways is socially acceptable for adults to express their feelings? It is expected that after 18 years to stop writing "TVB", "TVTB" and the like, or is it still possible? The danger is to move the fine line that separates the world from that of normal BIMBOMINKIA , the boundary that no sane person should ever cross.

After careful reflection on these levels have reached the following conclusions:

- The pair creates and lives in a social system in part, from the general isolated and therefore not subject to its rules.

- This is configured according to confidence that exists between two people and their relation to characters and their habits .

- Because everyone has a chance to try and express feelings, there is no rule about the abbreviations and events private affection. Communication systems through one-to-one (sms, chat, phone, face to face communication), then there is no age for abbreviations, animal sounds (2) , etc. .. None of these modes is condemnable, nor right or wrong, just because of his personal and individual.

- no expression of affection one-to-one can fall in BIMBOMINKIA provided they respect the laws of grammar and Italian. E 'condemn the use of K instead of "ch" or, even worse, instead of the normal "c". E 'condemned the use of uppercase and lowercase.

- As far as the public manifestation of their feelings, the law of good taste and decency. Since, however, the couple always work within their own social space, and created only valid to and from it, each abbreviation or myeloma can be ordered but not subject to censorship. This is in accordance with the following anecdote, which closes the post.

One day, discussing with one of my buddies about his different way of expressing feelings, maybe more "reserved" than others, said
"One day you too will meet a man who will make you meow! "
... This is because, even though there is a right way and a wrong way to express their feelings, often (but not all) a basic indicator of having found "the right person" lies in what it can lead us by sweet, crazy and stupid ... for her. :-)

(1) WARNING: "possibility", not "duty". This is to avoid accusations of conception of a symbiotic relationship.

(2) Any reference to real events and people is purely coincidental.


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