The sisters started the Sunday school of my interest in film Prohibited and thank God for giving me targeted so early in life to my vocation. Every week our religious brainwashing sessions, Sister Mary something began the lessons of brainwashing with the rosary. "Santa Maria" sang several times until she felt that we were sufficiently canceled and stunned. Sat in rapt attention while she read us a list of films condemned. "You go to hell if you see some of these films," stated infallibly and pay attention for once. He was always such a thrill to see it demolished a few titles:
"And God Created Woman
A Blaze of love,
Mom and Dad,
Love is my Profession "
spat out each title as if it had been forced to utter the most vile oscenità.Ma Baby Doll was the worst. If you saw was worse Baby Doll that if I killed papa.La sister even used the visual aids to convince us to stay away from this film. "See this picture?" challenges us taking a photo show of an enormous crowd outside the hall in the programmed The Ten Commandments. "Now look at this," grinned as he held photodegradation raised another room which projected Baby Doll no one who was in line. "See?" he said, smiling triumphantly, and we all got the message. I immediately slipped into the center to see Baby Doll and I made the decision, since then, going to see more films that I could prohibited.
Poor White Trash,
The Mole People,
I Spit on Your Grave.
began to buy " Variety" in my early teens and I was thrilled to see the advertisements of movies from which even the nuns had not warned. Violent ones such as:
Poor White Trash,
The Mole People,
I Spit on Your Grave.
was a whole new world opened before me and I dedicate all my time to the exploration of cinematic trash. Would sneak on a hill near our house from which I could see the distant screen Drive-in and watch with binoculars all the gore and horror films for adults only. " Carefully read the pages of the local shows cutting and collecting the advertising of violent films. I pretended to have a movie theater and book Best known for designing the new advertising campaigns in a much more sensational and imagining the uproar this would cause in the religious community. Finally I had a goal in life: I wanted to make films in cinema history TRASH.
Shock. Ed.Lindau.
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