The UN does not contradict the Microditatture
(In pictures: Women and reject the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to have a toaster at all costs).
There are two kinds of women: those long-lived, and those still alive. And among them I can not see.
with the help of a woman cunt sweaty from jogging can force you to move a section of subway under the oak of Timberland.
The cunt is a socio-anthropological construction that does not add benefits to customary interpresonali, unless you are not sedated.
Show Zinni and anus are primordial attitudes, which I share and forage with donations from paypal when I stopped to buy a kalasnicov General of Burkina Faso who sent me emails about Virgilio.
The cunt in lower primates and ethological related to the functions of the endocrine regulation of behavior. In short, I give my pussy if I kinder bueno looting the second one is up to Andrew Howe.
Some men have joined together in small newsrooms to react. Skipping difficult esercizzietti Men's Healt you can get to counter microdittatura the cunt, but how?.
A Pussy can make you carry a rubble from Sarajevo to Valletta just to show it to his mother.
Lick my anus, is a proposition that will keep you suitably Melevisione Dodò the occult, Art Attack will show you how to create a giant traffic cones and Throws Puppy dying, all taken from above. But nothing about how the pussy will make your lives soporific.
The woman is not breathable like the carefree, if it goes to the elevated irrationality can slam it into the mud of the power plant or counter it with a bus that goes to a piece in the fallopian tubes. Do not you will get nothing.
E 'disruptive does not take breath until you see the shore in thick reeds outlets with a nosebleed.
I can not fight the cunt. And I have the advantage of a testicle which I still do not go down.
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