Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nature Maternity Pads

agonism FEMALE


"We have reached the epilogue League Cup teams in Italy with the national final which was held in Rimini on weekends 8 to 9 May 2010. So the team composed of junior Elisa, Isabelle and Lara leaves for the trip with the right focus and determination to make a good test.
The qualifying race on Saturday morning, is crucial to have access to the finals the following day. The girls start to the beam as the first tool and conclude their race fairly, with certainly room for improvement. A very tender
"pulled" by a jury fairly severe. That it comes the time to read the standings and the team ranks in 7th place, winning the final on Sunday. And here's the big
day ... the girls were visibly excited and a little 'tense, partly because it is their first national final in this league.
Unfortunately a fall from the beam and a mistake to get us to swing in 10th place. Even if you could avoid a burr, the budget is extremely positive and it is important to be aware of the potential techniques that will lead the team to grow !!!!!! BRAVE GIRL !!!!!!!!!!"


"Exactly one week after the national final of the Italian Cup, there is another important event: the national final of the individual Cadet Tournament Mortara Lara in which it participates.
It starts with the parallel: an exercise in clean, elegant and with a precise technique makes you bring home a good score that a further charge for the rest of the race.
It then goes to the beam .... sometimes a little tool 'tough for Lara ... A fall and enforced in another uncertain element to penalize a bit', but the error may still be buffered by the other two tools that are missing!!
The free-body exercise is good enough, the discrete points. There you will lose some of mind! On the other hand we are talking about a national final!!
The vault is a strength of Lara. In fact, the two jumps are well run, losing just 0.45 points penalty doing so in order to be the gymnast with the highest score ever !!!!!
The verdict is a 20 th place out of a total of 64 female athletes participating at the end of a busy and important .... CONGRATULATIONS
BUCCI !!!!!!!!!"


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